Areas of Expertise



Research is essential to gaining knowledge, credibility and power.

Although it is often associated with academia, research is important for more than just students and scholars. Research provides an avenue for professionals and non-professionals alike to learn new information, increase awareness about various issues, and problem-solve. Through the process of gathering and analyzing information, research allows you to identify important trends and patterns, understand boundaries and set realistic goals, increase innovation, improve existing processes, gain insights into your competition, and much more. Research provides the framework for making informed decisions that will allow you to bolster the success of your organization or business.

At Dawson Analytics we provide a full suite of research development and design services:

  • Focusing and connecting research goals, questions and testable hypotheses.

  • Gathering relevant background information and completing literature reviews.

  • Identifying the appropriate methodological approach (i.e., qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods) to answer the research question(s).

  • Identifying your population of interest and creating an appropriate sampling framework.

  • Sourcing data. This includes finding pre-existing data that are readily available and accessible through public forums (e.g., websites and social media), as well as our client’s organizational data (e.g., transactions, reports, employee/customer records, etc.). We also help our clients to create data collection instruments to collect novel data.

  • Writing grant proposals, and liaising with funders and key stakeholders.

  • Informing research ethics applications and protocols.

  • Managing all relevant data through the creation of new datasets, or the cleansing of existing datasets.

  • Analyzing and interpreting the data.

  • Assisting with final reports or presentations.

We tailor each contract according to the services required, as well as the project’s scope, size, and budget.



Data are invaluable to any organization.

Data are a key asset to the efficiency and effectiveness of any organization or business, whether just starting out or already established. To help our clients maximize the performance of their data and obtain optimal results, data must be accurate, valid and reliable.

Our data cleansing service includes identifying and removing or transforming incomplete or inaccurate data. Our team also provides data management services to organize and prepare data to be utilized for all relevant analytic purposes.

From there, we help our clients understand their data with our analysis and interpretation services. With an extensive background in research methodologies, our team is able to perform various quantitative and qualitative analyses to help our clients maximize the power of their data, and achieve optimal results. Our analytic services involve using appropriate analytic techniques to analyze the data, as well as providing the client with the results. Results are often complex, requiring the interpretation of many different pieces of information. At Dawson Analytics we pride ourselves in our ability to simplify these complicated statistical outcomes and make them easily understandable and user friendly for our clients. We provide full interpretations using both visual representations, including relevant tables, and other graphics, as well as written interpretations. Empowered with knowledge and understanding, our clients are able to utilize their data to obtain meaningful insights into their company, and develop opportunities for growth and improvement.

We tailor each contract according to a project’s scope, size, and budget, and provide data services a la carte or in conjunction with research and program / policy evaluation.

Program / Policy Evaluation


Evaluation informs action and improves practice.

“Programs” refers to a diverse range of initiatives and interventions designed to improve some type of practice or condition. There are a wealth of programs aiming to address various needs: After-school programs are developed to improve the learning conditions for children and youth; Community wellness initiatives are designed to provide support services to those suffering from mental health issues; Welfare programs are intended to provide income support to individuals and families facing financial difficulties; Workplace incentive programs aim to improve work conditions and increase employee job satisfaction. With so many different programs available, investors, funders and key stakeholders always want to know whether or not a program is worthwhile. Program evaluation offers a systematic way to assess the need for a program, its design, implementation and service delivery, impacts, and effectiveness. The information garnered from this process informs decisions to continue, improve, grow or downsize existing programs, as well as to guide the development of new initiatives.

At Dawson Analytics we help our clients collect, analyze, interpret and communicate information pertaining to the need for their proposed program, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of their existing initiatives. Whether your program is in the initial development and design stage, or is already in operation we work collaboratively with our clients to offer tailored evaluation services to fit the specific needs of their program. Our services include:

  • Creating or modifying program descriptions and logic models.

  • Conducting evaluability assessments to determine program needs.

  • Creating and modifying evaluation plans to assess program processes, impacts and effectiveness.

  • Developing or modifying evaluation frameworks, including research design and methodology, and data collection instruments.

  • Identifying or developing key performance measurements.

  • Performing evaluation analyses and interpreting the results.

  • Liaising with key stakeholders.

We tailor each contract according to the services requires, as well as a project’s scope, size, and budget.


Industries Served

Public Sector



Indigenous Communities (Businesses and Programs)

Academic Institutions

Police Services

Criminal Justice Organizations

Health Services


Private Sector


Small businesses

Start-up companies

Large / multinational corporations